Can smiling make a positive change in our world?
When I first heard almost 6-7 years ago that a smile can change the world I couldn’t stop laughing, because I found it besides funny an extreme statement!
As time passed, I started to put it to action and to smile as it definitely wouldn’t hurt to do so and I had nothing to lose!
So, I started to smile from the moment I woke up and smiled all through the day and night to whomever I encountered… from smiling to the person making my coffee, my co-workers, and even to the tax office employees I had to visit (hahaha). I started to realize that at some point most of the people would smile back at me and somewhat be more helpful in servicing me and much more pleasant!
The change was actually happening… at least in my world! Everything was happening easier and faster!
In fact, I noticed people would smile and be helpful as I would enter the places I often visited. They would smile first at me, as if I was bringing in a positive aura! Of course, when you smile you do have a positive aura, what better way to start your day with a genuine and beautiful smile?
By smiling you can positively affect people around you. Try now while you are reading my article… look around and smile to someone you don’t know and notice their reaction.
After a few years, and after many self-development seminars regarding positivity etc. I started giving my own speeches regarding inspiration, positivity… And I always referred in my seminars and speeches the benefits of a genuine smile and its power to make a positive change!
After one of my seminars, a lady came and asked me: How can you smile constantly? Don’t you have any difficulty or problem in your life? And I answered her: I don’t have problems that can stop me from smiling!
And so, it happened by chance that I met the lady again and she thanked me and told me how she had started to smile more and how it had truly changed her life and how it had also changed her perception of life and as a result she saved her marriage!
I don’t know if by smiling we can change the world for the better, by I know for a fact that it can make our life happier and so much more pleasant… But isn’t that the change we need in our lives after all?