Paul Efmorfidis

The man who walks and talks nature!

If you first meet Paul Efmorfidis you will think… ahhh just another rich guy who plays it easy and tells his story as if everything is simple to achieve! But as you get to know him a bit better, you will definitely believe in him and that “life is very simple”! We make it hard!

A man that in his 20’s slept on seaweed on a beach one night and decided to make the best and comfortable “organic” (as he tell us) bed mats worldwide, over 90 shops worldwide, hundreds of luxury hotels all over Europe… is one of the most down to earth, super simple and easy going person you will ever meet! To be precise, you will probably see him wearing the same cloths during the same season!

He likes to wear simple, no bags, he hates traveling by car, when he travels by plane he tell us that he will be under the shower for quite a while! Eats organic and love to bike! To be specific, he has stepped out of the multi million bed business and he is now making wooden bikes that he rides them everywhere he goes, no matter the distance!

So how did he get to where he is now? He says that it’s all about quality! “When you give someone a present… don’t you want it to be perfect?

Also he is a big believer in the team… he tells us that without the right team, a team that can have fun and be imaginative, you can’t make anything happen! “knowledge deprives imagination”!

What does and entrepreneur have to have to succeed? “Mind the details and leave the big things… they will come on their own…”

His motto: Live simple… when you have nothing to guard you have nothing to loose!