Tina Michaelidou is a young woman who despite the difficulties in her life, has found the positive side of life! She hasn’t just overcome the darkness, but also found a way to become a beacon of hope for other people facing painful situations in their life through sharing and giving! So we asked her what positivity means to her…
What does “Positivity” mean to you?
Positivity for me means to help others smile from within and through my writings, I try to give them a reason to smile. This also works both ways as I also feel loved by all the kind messages I receive with love from my readers. In general I am always a positive person and try to find the bright side finding solutions with a positive spirit.
Please specify 3 things that you do to regain your positivity and your strengths after a disappointment at work/life.
1) I always do a lot of soul searching to find the strength within me, 2) I take a few days off to re-charge my batteries in order to fill with positive energy and 3) I try to stay close to my family and loved ones as to receive their love and get back on my feet. Remember that we need more positive people next to us instead of toxic relationships that suffocate us.
How important is it to stay positive in achieving your goals?
It is very important to set goals and to remain positive… it’s the only way we can achieve them! I remember my father always used to say “when you set goals, say to yourself – yes I can – and not it’s difficult or use any negative remarks”. He would say that when you go to war you go to win and not to lose as the Spartans would say: Ḕ tā̀n ḕ epìtâs… meaning "either you will win the battle, or you will die and then be carried back home on your shield". Therefore I always keep the positive attitude of a winner when I set goals in order to achieve them!
What “PositivePromise” would you like to give?
I promise to make people happy – whether I know them or not.

Tina Michaelidou
Tina Michaelidou Founder and Blogger at Ex's Ghost By Tina Michaelidou
Tina Michaelidou born in Cyprus is for the past 6 years a Relationship Blogger in Greece and Cyprus. Her goal and vision is to make people and her readers happy, optimistic and to move forward with their life without keeping hard feelings from every past relationship. You can connect with her on: Instagram, Facebook, Youtube.