Vasilis Vardakas – Vlasis Maronitis
Two different people with different backgrounds met 18 years ago and one summer day in 2012 sitting in front of the beach, realized they both have the same dream and vision… The path of freedom and self-expression through publishing the books that make a difference! Books that help us be better people… Vasilis Vardakas and Vlasis Maronitis are the co-founders of Keybooks. They say that the world is full of beautiful rooms that in order to enter you have to have the “right” keys… and their mission is to give us these “keys-books” to open these beautiful rooms in our minds…
Both Vasilis and Vlasis come from the world of media… both knew they wanted to be reporters from a young age! They started reading newspapers as teenagers and entered the world of news and media through sports reporters. They met when working for the same publishing company and kept their friendship alive only to give it extra special wings fighting for the same cause. They both have very intriguing CV’s, having climbed up the ladder working as editors for many magazines and newspapers.
Right in the middle of the crisis, especially for the media and publishing industry, Vlasis and Vasilis without a second thought started their publishing company! They are the living proof that anything is possible! Through Keybooks they have published 19 books and gained the trust of very large publishing groups worldwide and great international authors, such as George Lois.
Vasilis says he doesn’t regret anything and every step of his life has been a masterpiece! And that’s exactly the perfect word to describe their relationship as friends and business partners! Two different characters that blend harmoniously together with deep respect for one another!